
Rock Bottom | Storykaar

Rock Bottom

August 09, 2014 • ☕️ 1 min read

He spread his hands and felt the wind against his wet face. The soft morning breeze grew faster and faster until it was a gale trying to pull him back by his hair.

When he had stood on the parapet of the roof, he had known how difficult life was going to be, but he had not imagined how terrifying the prospect of death would be.

He was plummeting head-first towards the rocky shore. A blood curdling scream escaped him as the surface galloped upwards.

He shut his eyes tight as he touched the surface. His body was flung back into the air by the bungee rope. He thanked gods of him and others that he had not let his thoughts get the better of him.

Pawan Hegde

Written by Pawan Hegde who loves tinkering with code. If you want to know more about him, maybe you should visit his website